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Difference between CLI and GUI

Topic Command line (CLI) GUI
Ease Because of the memorization and familiarity needed to operate a command line interface, new users have a difficult time navigating and operating a command line interface. Although new users may have a difficult time learning to use the mouse and all GUI features, most users pick up this interface much easier when compared to a command line interface.
Control Users have much more control of their file system and operating system in a command line interface. For example, users can copy a specific file from one location to another with a one-line command. Although a GUI offers plenty of control of a file system and operating system, the more advanced tasks may still need a command line.
Multitasking Although many command line environments are capable of multitasking, they do not offer the same ease and ability to view multiple things at once on one screen. GUI users have windows that enable a user to view, control, and manipulate multiple things at once and is much faster to navigate when compared with a command line.
Speed Command line users only need to use their keyboards to navigate a command line interface and often only need to execute a few lines to perform a task. A GUI may be easier to use because of the mouse. However, using a mouse and keyboard to navigate and control your operating system for many things is going to be much slower than someone who is working in a command line.
Resources A computer that is only using the command line takes a lot less of the computers system resources than a GUI. A GUI requires more system resources because of each of the elements that need to be loaded such as icons, fonts, etc. In addition, video drivers, mouse drivers, and other drivers that need to be loaded will also take additional resources.
Scripting A command line interface enables a user to script a sequence of commands to perform a task or execute a program. Although A GUI enables a user to create shortcuts, tasks, or other similar actions, it doesn't even come close in comparison to what is available through a command line.


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